To become a skilled Personal Trainer Anatomy and Physiology knowledge is essential to fully understand how the body works. It requires understanding how an individual exercise affects the human body. It also involves knowing how to put various exercises together. This enables you to create a complete fitness program, that is safe and effective.
Why Personal Trainers Need to Know Anatomy?
Anatomy is defined as “the identification and description of the body structures of living things.” In the case of personal training, it is the identification and description of the human body.
Personal Training Is All About the Human Body.
As a personal trainer, you are working with the human body in everything you do. If you don’t understand its structure and function, how are you going to create a fitness program? It’d be like trying to be a chef when you don’t know about food. You aren’t going to get far without this knowledge.
Understanding Exercise Physiology Can Boost Fitness Results.
If you want a long career in personal training, you must be able to provide clients with results. The better their results, the more people will want you as their trainer. Having a thorough understanding of physiology (bodily function) makes this possible. It enables you to create exercise programs for specific fitness goals.
Anatomy Knowledge Helps Avoid Client Training Injuries.
When clients hire a fitness instructor, they trust that instructor to not hurt them. They expect a safe training program. Knowledge of skeletal muscle movement is critical to creating an injury-free fitness plan. It also aids in injury prevention. For instance, your client may be prone to rotator cuff issues. Incorporating a standing row exercise in their plan can help strengthen this area.
It Becomes Easier to Identify Clients’ Structural or Functional Issues.
Avoiding injury also involves recognizing a structure or movement issue. This type of issue increases the client’s risk of getting hurt. An understanding of anatomy makes it easier to identify when a concern exists. Correcting this issue is key to a safe fitness training program. Knowing anatomy and physiology helps you decide how to do this.
It Provides Credibility Within the Fitness Industry.
Imagine that a client comes to you and says that they want a tighter midsection. The more you know about the abdominal muscle group, the better your ability to target this area. This provides credibility as an athletic trainer. Clients will feel more comfortable coming to you with their training questions. Others in the field will hold you in higher regard because you’re the real deal.
How to increase your Human Anatomy Knowledge.
In the Personal Trainer course offered by Inner Peak, one of the first things you learn is Anatomy and Physiology. The course covers muscle anatomy, common movement issues, postural deviations, the heart, energy systems and more.
You can also boost your knowledge by studying visual aids. Look at images of the human body. Strive to learn where each muscle and bone is. Test yourself to make sure you’re retaining the information.
It can also be helpful to reach out to an experienced Personal trainer. Talk to them about muscle structure and function. Ask what they’ve learned about anatomy that has enabled them to better help their clients. How has knowing about the human body helped them provide more effective sessions? How has it contributed to their cardio or strength training program?
To become a personal trainer in Lancashire and increase your anatomy knowledge contact www.innerpeak.co.uk